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Ii Sacrae Disciplinae Leges

The Canonical Condition of Physical Persons

II Sacrae disciplinae leges

The Canonical Condition of Physical Persons, as defined by the Code of Canon Law (CIC), refers to the legal status and rights of individuals within the Catholic Church. The CIC, promulgated in 1983, codifies the Church's laws and regulations and provides a framework for the governance of its members.

Recognito Iuris Canonici Codice

In 1984, Pope John Paul II issued the apostolic letter Recognito Iuris Canonici Codice, which revised and updated the CIC. This revision aimed to clarify and streamline the Church's legal system, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in the modern context.

Pontificia Commissione

To facilitate the implementation and interpretation of the CIC, the Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law was established. This body is responsible for providing official guidance on the application of the code and resolving any disputes or ambiguities that may arise.

The Importance of the Canonical Condition

The canonical condition of physical persons is essential for maintaining order and unity within the Catholic Church. It defines the rights and responsibilities of individuals, ensuring their participation in the Church's mission and the protection of their legal interests. Understanding this condition is crucial for both clergy and laity, as it shapes the daily life and governance of the Catholic community.
